JPlast Plastic Products

Vial sample PP(Polypropylene) hinged cap 30ml

Vial sample PP(Polypropylene) hinged cap 30ml

Hinged cap vial PP  for samples or packaging of granular or powdery substances available in different colors and  various volume sizes . PP plastic is  quite clear and making the product quite visible. Vial is also highly chemical resistant being PP plastic and can also be steam sterilized at 121 DegC for 15 minutes.

SKU: V30 Category: Tags: ,

Hinged cap vial PP  for samples or packaging of granular or powdery substances available in different colors and  various volume sizes . PP plastic is  quite clear and making the product quite visible. Vial is also highly chemical resistant being PP plastic and can also be steam sterilized at 121 DegC for 15 minutes.